Friday, March 19, 2010

as luck would have it...

Let me speak plainly. I am not overly upset by the fact that on Wednesday, without one drink dyed green mind you, I wrecked my car pulling out of the garage (or pulling into the garage, as the case may be since I'm uncertain at what moment precisely the damage occurred because well--are you listening, All State and Dad?--common sense tells you that if your car is lodged--as in stuck-- against the frame of the garage door you have two options: wreck it moving forward or wreck it backing out).

I am also not overly upset by the fact that on Wednesday the Dean of the English Department decided to drop by my class for what she likes to call an "impromptu" observation with nary a warning. (I, of course, call this something else)

Nor am I overly upset that this week alone I lost one of my lucky silver charms, an hour of perfectly good sleep due to this Spring Forward nonsense and all hope that I will get to eat one--just one! please!--Girl Scout cookie before I grow old and develop diabetes (I'm wondering if giving up something for Lent can be done retroactively and still count at this point...thoughts, anyone?)

What I am overly upset about is that Sandra Bullock's husband cheated on her.

No, really, I am.

I am tired of hearing about men cheating on their accomplished wives and girlfriends.

I am tired of hearing about men leaving their accomplished wives and girlfriends for women who are less so.

Trading up is human. Trading down seems organically wrong to me. I mean, c'mon guys, you don't trade in your Wii for an Atari. You don't trade in your 2009 Saab for a 2004 Huffy Ten Speed. So, if there is anyone out there who can explain this strange phenomenon to me, please please do so. Psychobabble welcomed.

1 comment:

Lincoln said...

At first I thought this was going to be a short comment, but, as I think about it:

Deep down, I think all guys are more insecure than they let on, add the fact that despite being horribly outmoded, culturally there's still a big emphasis on the "man of the house", "man as the breadwinner", "me hunt, you cook", etc.

Extending the insecurity: Men stereotypically speaking, feel the need to be in control of a situation; in a relationship this means to do the rejecting rather than be the rejectee: It gives them (us) control of the situation and especially if feeling dwarfed in the relationship...

Combine that with someone who has more star power and what looks like a comparison between a Saab and a Huffy with a bent wheel to those on the outside may look, say, more Saab vs. BMW Motorcycle: Maybe not as nice of a ride but less of a challenge to his male ego.

It is, of course inexcusable nonetheless, bad form, and just plain stupid. Communication, anyone?

(No academic qualifications, just my observations as a single guy who still doesn’t get a lot of the societal norms, but is slowly figuring out what makes the world tick)

(Please drop me an email if you would: l at